Donation simulator

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Health %
Education %
Carbon reduction %
Poverty reduction %
Happiness %

Your donation in detail

To have that impact, we recommend to give as follows: Return to your donation

Against Malaria Foundation $ [Learn more]

+ Deworm the World Initiative $ [Learn more]

+ Ugastove Project $ [Learn more]

Description of the charities

Against Malaria Foundation

The Foundation distributes mosquito nets to protect the people from the disease in the malaria-active areas of 36 countries. For $ given, the charity covers all the costs (1) of protecting persons with nets for a year (2). This results in health benefits for an average of (3)(4). The health benefits also bring (by increasing labor force). The poverty reduction generates an increased well-being (5), that can be expressed as for which someone's happiness is increased by 50%. It also generates additional CO2 emissions ()(8).

The Foundation is a US-based evidence-based charity and was top-rated by GiveWell, Giving What We Can, The Life You Can Save, and

Deworm the World Initiative

The non-profit distributes anti-worm pills in the worm-infested areas of 8 countries. For $ given, the charity covers all the costs (1) of deworming children for a year (9). This results in better health for an average of (3)(10). Avoiding worm infection is the only reliable to increase school attendance and results (12). Which is why the intervention leads to attended. Health and education benefits translate into (higher-pay jobs + more labour force)(10)(11).The poverty reduction generates an increased well-being (5), that can be expressed as for which someone's happiness is increased by 50%. It also generates additional CO2 emissions ()(8).

The charity is part of Evidence Action, a US-based evidence-based organization that was top-rated by GiveWell.

Ugastove Project

The organization sells energy-efficient stoves in Uganda founded at 75% by your donation. For $, stoves are financed and distributed (13). Those stoves will save in the next 7 years (14). Spared charcoal/wood represents (14)(15) which will further increase a household's happiness by 50% for (5).

You crowdfound the project by buying carbon from Cool Effect, a US-based non-profit. Cool Effect was audited for that project and received the Earthwood Gold Standard, and the JP Morgan ventures verification.

References and notes

(1) All costs included: administrative, operating, research, foundraising costs...

(2) For that number, we use a cost of $3.60/net/person/year from Givewell 2016 online data

(3) A Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) is a year in perfect health.

(4) For calculations, the Givewell's model of 2016 restricts first to children saved <5 (a majority of nets distributed), whose average life expectency in perfect health (QALE) is 30 in the poorest countries (where nets are given). Then, the 2017 model takes partially into accounts the adults protected.

(5) It was shown that doubling a yearly income increases subjective well-being (reported on a 0-100% scale) by 5% (Stevenson & Wolfers, 2013).

(6) We used the average carbon footprint of a European citizen for a year (13.8 co2equ according to Tukker et al., 2016).

(7) A Well-Being Adjusted Life Year is the well-being equivalent of a QALY(3): a year with 100% happiness. Happiness is measured by a subjective report (on a 0-100% scale). We neglect health-related increase of happiness by a lack of a reliable model.

(8) We take into consideration both the carbon footprint generated from the additionnal time alive (with 0.36 tons of CO2equ/year according to Asane-Otoo, 2015) and the increased carbon footprint from increased consumption.

(9) For that number, we use a cost of $0.53/person/year from Givewell 2016 online data

(10) Givewell's model of 2016

(11)after 10 years: +20% income / +3.4h of work/week (10)

(12)+25% attendance = 2 more weeks of school (10)

(13) Data from the Gold Standard Full Monitoring Report 2013 for that project

(14)This figure takes into account an adjustment for a 73% drop-off of usage (Eathwood verification report), for the fact that some users are owners of a second cookstove that they use in parallel (13), for a potential 7% rebound effect (Druckman, 2011) and for a 2% yearly discount rate for long-term uncertainty.

(15) Available yearly household income is increased from 9% (Validation report ThuvRheinland) to 15% (Full Monitoring Report 2013) for 7 years.

2018 Adrien Chopin - Copyleft CC BY 4.0

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